Monthly Archives: October 2012

October Classes

Intro to MIG welding w/ Hackett Tues. Oct 9, 7-10pm $60 incl materials MIG welding is the handy hot glue do-all kind of welding, the primary kind of welding used in making traincars, art, cranes, etc.  All sorts of people have come through Madagascar Institute knowing nothing about a shop and have become capable metal […]

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Dueling Mechanical Bulls, Maker Faire edition

Small, barefooted people prepare to be humiliated. On the right, MB does an ancient dance of Canadian nerd rage. In the center we have Townsend: stunned; Leif showing his ability to slouch and lean on an invisible wall; Dale Dougherty and Philly, eyes asparkle, documenting. In the background are mocking reminders that we once had […]

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